The Launch

I read a novel recently about writers – always an interesting experience. One of them had a launch. Fourteen people ate nuts and drank sherry in an editor’s office. It was the grimmest thing I had read in a long time and I swore that my launch would not be like that.

Oh no – my launch will be an extravaganza. I will walk in under a flaming arch, my path flanked by swordsmen in red uniform. A band will play a jaunty tune. Guests will feast on caviar, blinis and champagne. I will sprinkle rose petals everywhere. Either that, or I’ll walk on water; I haven’t decided yet.

While I’ve always had dreams of wafting around a room, accepting praise from my legions of fans, I’ve had a foretaste of what book launches are really like – somewhere between those two scenarios. It’ll be a hectic whirl of snatched conversations, camera flashes and speeches. I was included in an anthology of pieces that were originally broadcast on Lyric FM’s Quiet Quarter slot and that’s what it was like.

Here’s what people coming to my launch on June 15th in Clonmel Library can expect. People will mill around the exhibition area, talking in voices that are unintentionally loud as they strive to make themselves heard. I’ll get stuck in, pressing the flesh and trying to talk to as many people as possible. A great way for me to meet everyone will be when I sign their books. I’m looking forward to giving their books my personal imprint. I’ll have to do right-arm exercises to make sure I don’t suffer from arm strain.

At the halfway point, there’ll be speeches from the publishers, Book Republic, from Suzanne Power, the author who’s launching the book and from yours truly. Don’t worry, we’ll keep them short – we wouldn’t want to get in the way of the mingling. I’ll then go round pressing more flesh and the whole thing will end in a woozy blur of hugs, warm words and laughter.

The launch will be hectic and I probably won’t get to talk to half the people I want to, but it will be a wonderful chance for me to celebrate my book with the people who matter to me most and to bask for a moment in glory before the real hard work of selling the book begins.

To find out more about my launch, drop me a mail on

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